Clinic Hours

Sunday - Friday :
9.00 a.m - 9.00 pm


Bandar Laguna Merbok

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general medicine services treating wide range of minor and chronic illnesses to emergency cases

General Medicine

Aza Mediclinic aims to provide personalized general medicine  health care to each patient.  Our resident Doctors have vast experience and skills in treating wide range of minor and chronic illnesses to emergency cases.

Conditions treated but not limited to are : –

  • Common illness such as fever,flu, and asthmatic attack among adults and children
  • Chronic cases of diabetes and hypertension and cholesterol
  • Migraine and persistent headache
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Male related problem such as prostate, sexual dysfunction (attended by male Doctor)
  • Female related problems such as menstrual conditions, breast conditions etc (attended by female Doctor)
  • Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) for female and male
  • Minor Ear problems such as infection and ‘ear wash’ treatment
  • Minor eye infection
  • Mouth conditions such as gum bleeding, mouth ulser,tonsil infection
  • Continuos management of skin conditions such eczema, acne
  • Continuos management Thyroid disorder
  • Infectious disease such as chicken pox, measles (cacar air), HFMD, herpes infection (kayap) 

Looking for solution to your condition?

Speak to our Doctor on the best treatment option available at the most affordable price